Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 2
This volume of the Australian Dictionary of Biography is the second of two for the period 1788-1850 and covers names I-Z.
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Riley, Edward
merchant and pastoralist
Riley, Alexander
merchant and pastoralist
Ridley, John
miller, inventor and preacher
Riddell, Campbell Drummond
public servant
Richardson, John Matthew
Reveley, Henry Willey
civil engineer
Reid, Thomas
naval surgeon and prison reformer
Reid, David
naval surgeon
Reid, Alexander
Reibey, Mary
businesswoman and trader
Reed, Henry
landowner, shipowner, merchant and philanthropist
Redmond, Edward
publican, dealer and Catholic layman
Redfern, William
Reddall, Thomas
clergyman and educationist
Read, Richard
Read, Richard
Read, George Frederick
merchant, settler and banker
Raymond, James
Raven, William
master mariner and merchant
Raper, George
seaman and artist
Ransom, Thomas
boat builder and publican
Ranken, George
farmer and pastoralist
Ramsay, David
medical practitioner and merchant
Raine, Thomas
mariner and merchant
Raine, John
speculator and merchant
Quiros, Pedro Fernandez de
Quaife, Barzillai
Congregational and Presbyterian minister
Pugh, William Russ
medical practitioner
Prout, John Skinner
Prieur, François Xavier
merchant and author
Price, John Giles
magistrate and penal administrator
Price, Charles
Congregational minister
Preiss, Johann August Ludwig
Powlett, Frederick Armand
public servant
Power, Robert
military officer and surveyor-general
Powell, Edward
farmer and innkeeper
Polding, John Bede
Catholic archbishop
Plunkett, John Hubert
lawyer and politician
Platt, John Laurio
sailor and settler
Pitt, Richard
constable and settler
Pitcairn, Robert
Piper, John
military officer, public servant and landowner
Pinnock, James Denham
public servant and banker
Pidgeon, Nathaniel
city missionary
Phillip, Arthur
admiral and governor
Petrie, Andrew
builder and architect
Petchy, John
Perry, Samuel Augustus
soldier and surveyor
Péron, François
naturalist, explorer and historian
Pelsaert, Francisco
officer of the Dutch East India Co.