Australian Dictionary of Biography

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Browsing occupation: public servant

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  1. Nixon, Sir Edwin Van-der-vord (1940-1945)
  2. Noakes, Lyndon Charles (1935-1979)
  3. Noble, Robert Jackson (1920-1959)
  4. Nolan, Francis George (Frank) (1909-1945)
  5. Norman, Leslie (1900-1925)
  6. North, Alexander (1883-1886)
  7. North, Edgar Alexander (1928-1961)
  8. North, Frederic Dudley (1887-1920)
  9. Nosworthy, Ellice Maud (1939-1945)
  10. Nott, Leslie Cecil Joshua (1913-1956)
  11. Nowland, Horace Henry (1911-1950)
  12. Oakley, Robert McKeeman (1889-1901, 1901-1927)
  13. Oala-Rarua, Oala (1962-1965)
  14. O'Brien, John Patrick (1913-1957)
  15. O'Brien, Michael (Mick) (1915-1948)
  16. O'Connell, Sir Maurice Charles (1846-1846)
  17. O'Connell, Sir Maurice Charles (1854-1860)
  18. O'Connor, Charles Yelverton (1891-1902)
  19. O'Connor, Francis Alexander (1912-1959)
  20. O'Connor, Joseph Graham (1892-1909)
  21. O'Connor, Richard (1835-1871)
  22. O'Connor, Roderic (1824-1836)
  23. Oddie, Thomas Harold (Hal) (1934-1952)
  24. Odgers, James Rowland (1930-1937, 1937-1979)
  25. O'Doherty, Kevin Izod (1886-1905)
  26. O'Donnell, Gustaf Charles (1958-1977)
  27. O'Donovan, Denis (1874-1902)
  28. O'Dowd, Bernard Patrick (1885-1935)
  29. Officer, Sir Frank Keith (1927-1954)
  30. Officer, Sir Robert (1822-1850)
  31. Ogilby, James Douglas (1885-1890, 1903-1925)
  32. Ogilvie, Patrick Joseph (1942-1946)
  33. Ogle, Robert William George (1927-1965)
  34. O'Grady, Francis Phillip (1917-1965)
  35. O'Keeffe, Kathleen Clare (1911-1938)
  36. O'Leary, Cornelius (1913-1963)
  37. Oliver, Alexander (1864-1892)
  38. Oliver, Charles Nicholson Jewel (1866-1907)
  39. Olsen, Olav Trygve (1925-1950)
  40. O'Malley, Louis James (Jim) (1929-1968)
  41. O'Neill, John Patrick (Jack) (1928-1933, 1937-1975)
  42. Öpik, Armin Aleksander (1948-1964)
  43. Opperman, Sir Hubert Ferdinand (Oppy) (1919-1921)
  44. Ord, Harrison (1878-1910)
  45. O'Reilly, Dowell Philip (1910-1923)
  46. O'Reilly, Walter Cresswell (1897-1925, 1925-1942)
  47. Origlass, Nicholas (Nick) (1922-1929)
  48. Osborne, John Percy (1919-1928)
  49. Osborne, John Walter (1858-1862)
  50. O’Shannassy, Ray (1975-1985)
  51. O'Shea, Bernard Anthony (Barney) (1923-1926)
  52. Osman, Neile (1946-1972)
  53. Owen, Percy Thomas (1904-1929)
  54. Owen, Sir William (1865-1866)
  55. Oxenham, Justinian (1878-1900, 1901-1923)
  56. Packer, Frederick Augustus (1859-1894)
  57. Page, Harold Hillis (1913-1915, 1919-1942)
  58. Paine, Duke Douglas (1909-1957)
  59. Panton, Joseph Anderson (1852-1907)
  60. Parker, Sir Douglas William (1946-1965)
  61. Parker, Sir Henry Watson (1838-1846)
  62. Parker, Sir John Edward (1927-1969)
  63. Parkes, Cobden (1909-1958)
  64. Parkes, Edward (1905-1951, 1920-1930)
  65. Parkes, Ernest William (1887-1894)
  66. Parkes, Varney (1878-1880)
  67. Parramore, William Thomas (1825-1827)
  68. Parrott, Thomas Samuel (1870-1872, 1872-1886)
  69. Parry-Okeden, William Edward (1870-1905)
  70. Parsons, Charles Octavius (1823-1829, 1842-1863)
  71. Paterson, John Waugh (1910-1913)
  72. Paterson, William (1794-1795, 1804-1809)
  73. Paton, Robert Thomson (1887-1921)
  74. Patten, Robert Anthony (1918-1920, 1920-1923)
  75. Patterson, Robert Charles (1869-1886)
  76. Paul, Victor Barry (1954-1959)
  77. Payne, Sir William Labatte Ryall (1907-1960)
  78. Pearce, Malcolm Arthur Fraser (1914-1961)
  79. Pearce, Simeon Henry (1849-1856)
  80. Pearson, Alfred Naylor (1886-1902)
  81. Peeler, Walter (1918-1961)
  82. Penfold, William James (1916-1926, 1926-1938)
  83. Penington, Frances Eileen (1938-1955)
  84. Penman, Frank (1927-1940, 1940-1945, 1945-1960)
  85. Pennefather, Reginald Richard (1928-1932)
  86. Percival, Arthur (1902-1909, 1910-1944)
  87. Perdriau, Stephen Edward (1880-1923)
  88. Peres, Leon George (1946-1966)
  89. Perkins, Arthur James (1902-1936)
  90. Perrett, Christopher James (1913-1963)
  91. Perry, Patrick (1962-1969)
  92. Perry, Samuel Augustus (1829-1853)
  93. Pescott, Edward Edgar (1901-1937)
  94. Pethebridge, Sir Samuel Augustus (1876-1901, 1901-1914)
  95. Petrie, Andrew (1831-1837)
  96. Pettifer, John Athol (Jack) (1934-1982)
  97. Pettigrew, Alan Charles (Allan) (1965-1992)
  98. Phillips, Sir John Grant (Jock) (1937-1975)
  99. Phillips, Leslie William (1929-1949)
  100. Phillips, Morris Mondle (1905-1941)
  101. Philp, Sir Roslyn Foster (Ross) (1914-1926)
  102. Piesse, Edmund Leolin (1919-1923)
  103. Piesse, Frederick Henry (1875-1880)
  104. Piguenit, William Charles (1850-1872)
  105. Pike, George Herbert (1883-1892)
  106. Pike, Leonard Henry (1910-1916, 1918-1936)
  107. Pike, Veronica (1918-1927)
  108. Pink, Olive Muriel (1915-1930)
  109. Pinner, John Thomas (1921-1953)
  110. Pinnock, James Denham (1841-1851, 1854-1863)
  111. Piper, John (1813-1828)
  112. Pither, Alfred George (1951-1954)
  113. Pitt, Ernest Roland (1900-1943)
  114. Pitt, Henry Arthur (1889-1916, 1916-1923, 1923-1937)
  115. Pittman, Edward Fisher (1876-1916)
  116. Playford, Maxwell Ernest (1941-1943)
  117. Plimsoll, Sir James (1948-1982)
  118. Plummer, Andrew (1854-1901)
  119. Plunkett, John Hubert (1832-1856)
  120. Poate, Frederick (1877-1916)
  121. Poignant, Harald Emil Axel (1947-1952)
  122. Polglaze, Muriel Jean (1940-1946)
  123. Poole, George Thomas Temple (1885-1897)
  124. Potts, Henry William (1898-1902)
  125. Pound, Charles Joseph (1892-1893, 1893-1932)
  126. Powell, Edward (1811-1814)
  127. Power, Robert (1857-1869)
  128. Powlett, Frederick Armand (1851-1865)
  129. Prentice, John Murdoch (1920-1925)
  130. Prescott, James Arthur (1927-1947)
  131. Price, Geoffrey John (1953-1994)
  132. Price, James Robert (Jerry) (1945-1977)
  133. Pridham, John Theodore (1901-1945, 1908-1911)
  134. Prinsep, Henry Charles (Harry) (1874-1894)
  135. Pryor, Lindsay Dixon (1936-1958)
  136. Pugh, Theophilus Parsons (1874-1896)
  137. Punshon, Ethel May (Monte) (1946-1948)
  138. Purdy, John Smith (1910-1914)
  139. Pye, Hugh (1916-1931)
  140. Pyke, Vincent (1858-1859)
  141. Quayle, Bronte Clucas (1950-1981)
  142. Quinlin, Marcus Stanley (1906-1954)
  143. Quinn, John Paul (1939-1961)
  144. Quong, Rose Maud (1897-1900, 1901-1924)
  145. Rae, John (1857-1893)
  146. Raggatt, Sir Harold George (1940-1965)
  147. Ramsay, Alexander Maurice (1943-1978)
  148. Ramsbotham, Joshua Fielden (1913-1926, 1913-1913)
  149. Randall, Sir Richard John (Dick) (1940-1971)
  150. Ranking, Robert Archibald (1874-1879)
  151. Rattigan, Godfrey Alfred (Alf) (1931-1976)
  152. Ravenscroft, Mona Rachael (1959-1963)
  153. Raw, Alan Rayson (1927-1964)
  154. Rawling, James Normington (1940-1945)
  155. Raymond, James (1827-1851)
  156. Rayner, Henry Ross (1959-1979)
  157. Rayner, Jack Maxwell (1929-1942, 1942-1969)
  158. Read, William John (Jack) (1929-1942, 1945-1951, 1951-1952, 1952-1975)
  159. Reade, Charles Compton (1916-1920)
  160. Rede, Robert William (1852-1889)
  161. Redfern, William (1802-1819)
  162. Rees, Lucy Frances (Lu) (1938-1955)
  163. Reeve, Edward (1848-1857)
  164. Refshauge, Joan Janet (1947-1963, 1964-1973)
  165. Reid, Sir Alexander James (1911-1938)
  166. Reid, Sir George Houstoun (1864-1879)
  167. Reid, Gordon Stanley (1937-1957)
  168. Reid, William John (Bill) (1976-1982)
  169. Reinhold, William James (1919-1923)
  170. Rembert, Edward Henry (1926-1965)
  171. Remington, Geoffrey Cochrane (1941-1943)
  172. Reveley, Henry Willey (1829-1838)
  173. Richards, George Ronald (Ron) (1949-1969)
  174. Richards, Thomas (1834-1837)
  175. Richards, Thomas (1845-1886)
  176. Richardson, Arnold Edwin Victor (1908-1911, 1911-1919)
  177. Richardson, John Matthew (1825-1828)
  178. Riddell, Campbell Drummond (1830-1856)
  179. Riddell, Percy Dryden (1907-1949)
  180. Riddell, Walter John (1905-1927)
  181. Rigby, Edward Charles (1939-1942)
  182. Riley, Alexander (1805-1809)
  183. Riordan, William James (Bill) (1925-1936)
  184. Risson, Sir Robert Joseph (1949-1970)
  185. Ritchie, Edgar Gowar (1891-1936)
  186. Roberts, Caleb Grafton (1925-1939, 1944-1963)
  187. Roberts, Charles Fyshe (1892-1902)
  188. Robertson, Edward (1902-1937)
  189. Robertson, Thomas Logan (1946-1951)
  190. Robertson, William Apperley Norton (1906-1926, 1926-1939)
  191. Robinson, Alfred Lambton (1926-1941, 1946-1948)
  192. Robinson, Michael Massey (1798-1826)
  193. Rodger, Geoffrey James (1921-1924, 1924-1926, 1926-1927, 1927-1928, 1928-1935, 1935-1946, 1946-1952)
  194. Rogers, John Noble (Jack) (1935-1963)
  195. Rolleston, Christopher (1842-1883)
  196. Rolph, William Robert (1892-1897)
  197. Ronalds, Albert Francis (Bert) (1935-1950, 1950-1955, 1955-1978)
  198. Roper, John (1847-1893)
  199. Rose, Alfred Lionel (1924-1940, 1946-1958)
  200. Rose, David (1812-1820)
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