Biographical Dictionary of the House of Representatives
This project charts the lives of the men and women who since Federation have held the position of Speaker, Deputy Speaker, or Clerk of the House of Representatives.
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Adermann, Sir Charles Frederick
farmer and Chairman of Committees of the House of Representatives
Andrew, John Neil
farmer and Speaker of the House of Representatives
Aston, Sir William John (Bill)
mayor, milliner, and Speaker of the House of Representatives
Bamford, Frederick William
publican, politician, and Chairman of Committees of the House of Representatives
Barlin, Lyndal McAlpin (Lyn)
Clerk of the House of Representatives
Bayley, James Garfield
educationalist and Chairman of Committees of the House of Representatives
Bell, Sir George John
soldier, grazier, and Speaker of the House of Representatives
Berinson, Joseph Max (Joe)
phpharmacist, government minister, and Chairman of Committees of the House of Representatives
Bishop, Bronwyn Kathleen
lawyer and Speaker of the House of Representatives
Blake, Douglas Maurice (Doug)
Clerk of the House of Representatives
Bowden, George James
farmer, soldier and Chairman of Committees of the House of Representatives
Browning, Alan Robert
Clerk of the House of Representatives
Burke, Anna Elizabeth
Speaker of the House of Representatives
Cameron, Archie Galbraith
farmer and Speaker of the House of Representatives
Causley, Ian Raymond
farmer and Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives
Chanter, John Moore
farmer, auctioneer, commission agent, and Chairman of Committees of the House of Representatives
Child, Gloria Joan
first female Speaker of the House of Representatives
Clark, Joseph James (Joe)
tailor and Chairman of Committees of the House of Representatives
Cope, James Francis (Jim)
glassworker and Speaker of the House of Representatives
Duffy, Charles Gavan
Clerk of the House of Representatives
Edwards, Ronald Frederick (Ron)
economist and Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives
Elder, David Russell
Clerk of the House of Representatives
Fowler, James Mackinnon
Chairman of Committees of the House of Representatives
Gale, Walter Augustus
Clerk of the House of Representatives
Green, Frank Clifton
Clerk of the House of Representatives
Groom, Sir Littleton Ernest
barrister and Speaker of the House of Representatives
Halverson, Robert George (Bob)
air force officer and Speaker of the House of Representatives
Harris, Ian Charles
Clerk of the House of Representatives
Hawker, David Peter
grazier and Speaker of the House of Representatives
Holder, Sir Frederick William
first Speaker of the House of Representatives
Jenkins, Sir George Henry
acting Clerk of the House of Representatives
Jenkins, Henry Alfred (Harry)
shire president and Speaker of the House of Representatives
Jenkins, Henry Alfred (Harry)
Speaker of the House of Representatives
Johnson, Leslie Royston (Les)
trade unionist and Chairman of Committees of the House of Representatives
Johnson, Sir William Elliot
Speaker of the House of Representatives
Lucock, Philip Ernest
Presbyterian minister and Chairman of Committees of the House of Representatives
Mackay, George Hugh
businessman and Speaker of the House of Representatives
Makin, Norman John
ambassador and Speaker of the House of Representatives
Martin, Stephen Paul
economist and Speaker of the House of Representatives
McDonald, Charles
watchmaker, trade unionist, and Speaker of the House of Representatives
McGrath, David Charles
storekeeper and Chairman of Committees of the House of Representatives
McGregor, John Robert
Clerk of the House of Representatives
McLeay, Sir John (Jack)
politician, businessman, and longest serving Speaker of the House of Representatives
McLeay, Leo Boyce
Speaker of the House of Representatives
Millar, Percival Clarence (Clarrie)
public servant, farmer, and Chairman of Committees of the House of Representatives
Nairn, Walter Maxwell
lawyer and Speaker of the House of Representatives
Nehl, Garry Owen Barr
Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives
Parkes, Ernest William
Clerk of the House of Representatives
Parkes, Norman James
Clerk of the House of Representatives
Pettifer, John Athol (Jack)
Clerk of the House of Representatives