Australian Dictionary of Biography

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Cultural Advice

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website contains names, images, and voices of deceased persons.

In addition, some articles contain terms or views that were acceptable within mainstream Australian culture in the period in which they were written, but may no longer be considered appropriate.

These articles do not necessarily reflect the views of The Australian National University.

Older articles are being reviewed with a view to bringing them into line with contemporary values but the original text will remain available for historical context.

Indigenous Australian Dictionary of Biography

This project seeks to add the stories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to the ADB to redress an imbalance and make it more reflective of Australian history. [Read More]

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  1. Mungo Lady (?–?)
  2. Mungo Man (?–?)
  3. Munns, Oscar John (1906–1982) community leader, stockman, noted athlete
  4. Musgrave, George (1920–2006) Kuku Thaypan speaker, knowledge holder, and teacher
  5. Nangar (1848–1927) Wiradjuri walamira (clever man)
  6. Nayombolmi (1895–1967) rock art artist
  7. Ngumundi (1780–1845) Kabi Kabi headman
  8. Nikaminik (1813–1849) Aboriginal resistance member and palawa ancestor
  9. Noble, Jack (1855–1935) native police trooper
  10. O'Chin, Andrew (Jack) (1917–1978) Aboriginal community leader and rugby league footballer
  11. Old Moppy (1787–1842) Aboriginal leader, guide, and resistance fighter
  12. Ooloogan (1840–1928) Wiradjuri walamira (clever man) and travelling showman
  13. Pluto (1869–1916) prospector and mining entrepreneur
  14. Pluto, Kitty (1877–1946) gold miner and prospector
  15. Reys, Frank (1931–1984) jockey
  16. Rodriguez, Mary Catherine (Katie) (1920–1994) Catholic novice, cook and domestic
  17. Simms, Joseph (Joe) (1859–1945) entertainer, temperance advocate, and international traveller
  18. Stafford, Alfred George (Alf) (1906–1996) public servant and sporting personality
  19. Swift, Jenny (1858–1894) missionary and dormitory matron
  20. Swift, Paddy (1848–1922) stockman, horse breaker and trainer, and missionary
  21. Tanganutara (Sarah) (1805–1858) palawa woman
  22. Tarra Bobby (1834–1874) lewin (messenger) and cultural mediator
  23. Thomas, Juluma Rover (1926–1998) stockman, dreamer, and artist
  24. Timms, Freddie Ngarrmaliny Janama (1946–2017) stockman, artist, and broker
  25. Tjapaltjarri, Namarari (Mick) (1923–1998) Pintupi man and artist
  26. Tongerlongeter (1790–1837) warrior and leader
  27. Turandurey (1806–?) Wiradjuri woman, guide, and interpreter
  28. Ware, Elia (1911–1987) soldier and Torres Strait Islander activist
  29. Ware, Uruba Demag (Demaga) (1857–1915) pioneer of Wag
  30. Wavehill, Ronnie (1936–2020) stockman and storyteller
  31. Welch, Maria (1834–1909) Kaurna matriarch
  32. Whye, Alfred Ernest (1882–1969) soldier, expatriate, and railway worker
  33. Woretemoeteryenner (1795–1847) palawa woman
  34. Yamurra (1863–?) Wild Australia Show performer
  35. Yanggendyinanyuk (1834–1886) tracker, cricketer, and cultural exponent
  36. Yonki Yonka (1823–1846) shepherd and sailor
  37. Yoolpee, Moses (1865–1940) Karuwali–Mithaka elder and stockman
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